How to start
- get and install BBMobile app for Android – Get from Google Play,
- download and unzip three demo projects pack for Arduino,
- connect BBMobile module to Arduino board,
- open sketch and send it to Arduino,
- run BBMobile app, tap ‘START’, select device and enjoy your success 🙂
Get three demo projects pack for ARDUINO
This demo sketch shows how to:
- give a unique Bluetooth name to your device,
- build user interface on smartphone screen,
- show text messages with ‘TextView’ object,
- managing ‘Button’ events,
- add layout image background,
- use build-in special font.
Connecting BBMobile to Arduino is very simple – just a few wires.
After connecting to mobile application all three channels are sampling every second. Results are calculating and showing on the mobile screen.
There are ‘do’ and ‘while’ loops in main part of sketch playing with mobile interface.
And here is schematic of the wireless, three-channel voltometer build with Arduino UNO and BBMobile module.
This is ‘Remote Switch’ project that can remotely turn on and off Arduino pin. So it can drive any electrical stuff.
There is ‘switch:case’ statement in main loop used for building and managing mobile interface and bluetooth connection.